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*corresponding author; †equal contribution


15.  Pantoja-Sánchez H., Leavell B., Rendon B., De-Silva W.A. P.P, Singh R.,  Zhou J., Menda G., Hoy R.R., Miles R.N.,  Sanscrainte N.D. , and Bernal X.E., Tiny spies: mosquito antennae are sensitive sensors for eavesdropping on frog calls. Journal of Experimental Biology, 226 (24), jeb245359 (2023). 

2023 Journal of Experimental Biology Outstanding Paper Prize


14. Zhou, J.*, Lai, J., Hoy, R.R.*, Miles, R.N.*, Orb-weaving spiders can hear using their webs. TheScienceBreaker (2023) (invited paper).


13. Myint, P., Chu, M., Tripathi, A., Wojcik, M.J., Zhou, J., Cherukara, M.J., Narayanan, S., Wang, J. and Jiang, Z., Multislice forward modeling of coherent surface scattering imaging on surface and interfacial structures. Optics Express, 31(7), pp.11261-11273 (2023).


12. Zhou, J.†*, Lai, J.†, Menda, G., Stafstrom, J.A., Miles, C.I., Hoy, R.R.* and Miles, R.N.*, Outsourced hearing in an orb-weaving spider that uses its web as an auditory sensor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(14), p.e2122789119 (2022).

Featured by PNAS, Scientific American, The Washington Post, Cornell News, Binghamton News.


11. Zhang, J., Li, Y., Cheng, S., Zhou, J.*, Wang, S., Zhao, D., Shi, C., Ma, F., Chen, X.* and Shao, J., 2022. Orb-Web-Inspired Polymer-Carbon Nanocomposite Mesh Film for Acoustic Sensing. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 5(10), pp.14654-14662 (2022).


10. Zhou, J.†, Jiang, J.†, Walko, D.A., Jin, D., López, D., Czaplewski, D.A. and Wang, J., On-chip picosecond synchrotron pulse shaper. arXiv:2211.03567 (2022).


9. Walko, D.A., Jiang, J., Zhou, J., Guzelturk, B., Zhang, X., Czaplewski, D.A. and Wang, J., Measuring the x-ray flux from MEMS devices for timing applications. Advances in X-Ray/EUV Optics and Components XVII, 12240, pp. 71-76. SPIE (2022).


8. Zhou, J.*, Moldovan, N., Stan, L., Cai, H., Czaplewski, D.A. and López, D.*, Approaching the strain-free limit in ultrathin nanomechanical resonators. Nano Letters, 20(8), pp.5693-5698 (2020).


7. Zhou, J., Li, B., Liu, J., Jones, W.E. and Miles, R.N., Highly-damped nanofiber mesh for ultrasensitive broadband acoustic flow detection. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 28(9), p.095003 (2018).


6. Zhou, J. and Miles, R.N., Directional sound detection by sensing acoustic flow. IEEE Sensors Letters, 2 (2), pp.1-4 (2018).


5. Miles, R.N. and Zhou, J., Sound-induced motion of a nanoscale fiber. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 140, 011009 (2018). 


4. Zhou, J.† and Miles, R.N.†, Sensing fluctuating airflow with spider silk. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(46), pp.12120-12125 (2017). 

Highlighted by Nature Physics: Spidey sense (2017).


3. Zhou, J., Miles, R.N. and Towfighian, S., A novel capacitive sensing principle for microdevices. ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 57113, p. V004T09A024 (2014).


2. Zhou, J., Jiang, T., Jiao, J.W. and Wu, M., Design and fabrication of a micromachined gyroscope with high shock resistance. Microsystem Technologies, 20, pp.137-144 (2014).


1. Jiang, T., Zhou, J. and Feng, F., Study on designs of stoppers for MEMS devices in shock environment. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 184, pp. 510-515 (2012). 

pnas cover

Outsourced hearing in an orb-weaving spider that uses its web as an auditory sensor

nano letters cover

Approaching the Strain-Free Limit in Ultrathin Nanomechanical Resonators

pnas cover

Sensing fluctuating airflow with spider silk

Commercialized Patents

2. Gupta, S.K., Leahy, S., Moazzen, I., Miles, R. and Zhou, J., Directional Microphone and System and Method for Capturing and Processing Sound. U.S. Patent 11,792,566 (2023).


1. Miles, R.N. and Zhou, J., Fiber microphone. U.S. Patent 11,490,208 (2022).

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